A large crowd attended the May 20 opening of the 8th Exchange Exhibition involving photographers in Phoenix and Hermosillo under the sponsorship of Through Each Others Eyes™. The event, held in the gallery of the Consulate General of Mexico in Phoenix, contained 80 images from photographers David Moore and Jason Grubb of Phoenix and Juan Rubalcava II and Luis Gutiérrez of Hermosillo. Through Each Others Eyes wishes to thank the four photographers for their excellent images and the Consul General’s office in Phoenix for hosting this exhibition. The Images can be viewed in the gallery of the Consulate, 320 E. McDowell (3rd floor), during business hours through June 24.
Muchas personas asistió una recepción el 20 de mayo por la exposición de la fotografías del octavo intercambio entre fotógrafos de Phoenix y Hermosillo, Son., bajo el patrocinio de Through Each Others Eyes™. El evento, celebrado en la galería del Consulado General de México en Phoenix, presentó 80 imágenes de los fotógrafos David Moore y Jason Grubb de Phoenix y Juan Rubalcava II y Luis Gutiérrez de Hermosillo. Through Each Others Eyes™ desea agradecer a los cuatro fotógrafos por sus excelentes imágenes y la oficina del Cónsul General en Phoenix por acoger esta exposición. Las imágenes se pueden ver en la galería del Consulado, 320 E. McDowell (tercer piso) en horario de la oficina hasta 24 de junio.
Interview on KAET PBS Show Horizonte
Through Each Others Eyes (TEOE) encourages people around the world to appreciate diverse cultures through photography. The Sonora & Arizona exhibition are photographs taken by photographers from Mexico and Arizona. David Moore, TEOE photographer and Erol Zimmerman, co-founder of TEOE discuss the exhibition.